Crypto Market Is In Dilemma Regarding The Bitcoin Ban

Crypto Market Is In Dilemma Regarding The Bitcoin Ban

After the recent tweets by US President Donald Trump, it can now quite clearly be assumed that if somehow the President bans Bitcoin, its prices will fall apart drastically.

However, Alex Krueger, an economist and a trader believes that the law would almost certainly avert him.

Trump, who declared his aversion for cryptographic money all in all last week, at first neglected to effect showcase slant. A consequent breakdown throughout the end of the week sent Bitcoin underneath $10,000.

Well, as far as the concerns of Alex Krueger is concerned, he says:

Trump could also go after fiat on-ramps by simply forbidding banks to service crypto exchanges or by requiring banks to not service exchanges unless conditions XYZ are fulfilled.

Will The BITCOIN BAN Happen?

Well, if the entire matter is actually taken into consideration, the Bitcoin Ban doesn’t seem to be that easy.

To execute the entire plan of banning Bitcoin, Trump would first need to convince Congress. There is a strong need for him to explain to the lawmakers the need to ban Bitcoin.

Therefore as Krueger says, “A ban is thus feasible but the probability of it becoming law is extremely low.”

Source: Original

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