The Diamond Industry Gets A Boost In Liquidity With Blockchain

From The Mines To Your Finger, How Smart Contract Is Helping Stop Conflict Diamonds?

The journey of a diamond is truly unique. Right from the mine to the beautiful…

corporate payments

Diamante’s Corporate Payments Pioneers Advancement in Global Diamond Industry Through Use of DLT Making Transactions Fast, Secure and Traceable

A Corporate Payments Network that enables the instantaneous transfer of cross-border payments at a lower…


Why Gem & Jewelry’s E-Commerce Businesses Are Gaining Popularity?

There is no escaping it – the e-commerce industry is growing in leaps and bounds.…

Blockchain & Diamond

Five Innovations Which have Transformed the Diamond Industry

A diamond is forever! The diamond industry is one of the biggest industries of the…

The Road Towards an Open Gem and Jewelry Marketplace

The road towards an open diamond marketplace built on a trust chain is a reality…

Artificial Intelligence

How Artificial Intelligence Can Lead to Smarter Diamond Grading

The process of diamond grading has always been a tedious, manual and confusing process. Any…

Proof of Work vs Proof of Stake

Hyper Ledger Ensuring a Safer Gem & Jewelry Ecosystem

Provenance has always been a major area of concern for the gem & jewelry industry.…

Diamante Blockchain Makes Huge Impact at JCK Las Vegas 2019

AI Helps the Diamond Industry Guarantee the Perfect Engagement Ring for You

During Valentine’s Day, many couples plan their engagements to exchange pre-nuptial vows and consumers purchase…

Diamante Blockchain Diversifies Trade In Gem And Jewellery Leveraging DLT

The Global Smart Contracts Market is expected to grow at a steady rate of 32%…

Blockchain Consensus Mechanisms

How Diamante Blockchain Consortium is Revolutionizing the Diamond industry using DLT

The Diamante Blockchain Consortium is a unique ecosystem for the diamond industry which allows every…

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