Tag: Blockchain Technology

Diamond Jewelry Pricing: Retail versus Wholesale

Saying No to Blood Diamonds with the Help of Blockchain Technology

The diamond industry is expected to be the latest beneficiary from the blockchain technology. Blood…

Diamante Blockchain Meet Highlights the Spectrum of Opportunities of Blockchain in Diamond Industry

Diamante Blockchain Meet Highlights the Spectrum of Opportunities of Blockchain in Diamond Industry

Diamante Blockchain hosted the Diamante Meets 2019 to discuss Spectrum of Opportunities in Mumbai introducing…


A Beginners Guide to Ethereum

Ethereum is decentralized platform that mines its own crypto Ether, just like other blockchain networks.…

Things you need to know about the Workings of Bitcoin

Things You Need to Know About the Workings of Bitcoin

Bitcoin is the first crypto and also the first successful implementation of blockchain technology making…

A Brief Note on Proof of Stake

A Brief Note on Proof of Stake

Proof of stake is considered as the better and safer version of proof of work…

ethereum cryptokitties

What are Cryptokitties?

CryptoKitties created by Vancouver based blockchain company Axiom Zen, is a virtual game built on…

Cryptocurrency Hacks Which Literally Shook The World

Top 5 Cryptocurrency Hacks Which Literally Shook The World

The 5 major cryptocurrency hacks are a lesson for modern exchanges and wallet owners to…

A Complete guide to Atomic Swaps

A Complete Guide to Atomic Swaps

Atomic Swaps enables the exchange of crypto currencies between parties via Hashed Time Lock Contracts…

Is Blockchain Technology the answer to Fortify Cyber-Security?

Is Blockchain Technology The Answer To Fortify Cyber-Security?

Everything is available and happens online these days. You can make friends and connect with…


A Brief Overview on Decentralized Applications

Dapps or Decentralized Applications are distributed open-source software application that runs on peer-to-peer or P2P…

blockchain application on real estate

How Blockchain Can Simplify The World Of Real Estate

Application of blockchain technology in the real estate industry can truly make the complex transaction…

blockchain and food industry

How Blockchain Can Bring Transparency In The Food Industry

Blockchain technology has the potential to reform the food industry by ensuring food safety and…

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