CryptoNewz_TechnoCast_Ian ScarffeIan Scarffe is a serial entrepreneur, investor, and consultant with business experience from around the world. As a leading entrepreneur, Ian is on a personal mission to develop a culture of entrepreneurship, helping startups achieve their full potential as well as helping to expand existing companies. An expert in Startup, Investment, Fintech, Web3, and Blockchain industries. Ian currently consults and advises for a range of multi-million dollar companies. His overall mission is to foster a society of economically independent individuals who are engaged citizens, contributing to the improvement of their communities across the world. Ian is a Top Global Influencer in Blockchain and Fintech, Top Ranked Member of Global List – People of Blockchain, Number 1 Ranked top Blockchain Advisor.

You are a person of trust, goodwill, and leadership. In the world of blocks and chains, you are an entrepreneur, consultant, advisor, and key opinion leader. I am sure you must have seen blockchain, NFTs, and Web3 from multiple perspectives. Tell us the universal point that connects all these perspectives and guides the next-gen blockchain and crypto enthusiasts.

As far as blockchain goes it’s all about the community and building trust in those communities. Blockchain is still a very early technology and the space is quite a niche for the time being. Now thanks to the NFT and Web3! More and more global companies and fintech such as banks are interested and involved in the industry which in turn will all add to enhancing the Blockchain ecosystem and encourage more enthusiasts.

Every third graduate aims to be a founder, investor, and advisor. “Well, the median age of unicorn founders during the time of the inception of the startups is 30 years and the youngest being 19 and the oldest at 55 years.” The thriving ecosystem around is also supporting their unique ideas and letting them grow and develop – for the good of all. But not all of them are on the success path. What do you think the secret is, What do you suggest to the pool of unicorn founders in order to reach their goals?

The secret of success is hard work, having a goal, and never giving up. At a young age, I learned the success principle, which is determined by Paul J. Meyer. “Success is the progressive realization of predetermined, worthwhile, personal goals.” This means that is about the goal-driven journey “progressive realization” of each of your goals along the way and not just the end goal! I would like to add to this having written goals: written on paper and visualized every day helps to achieve these goals and provide motivation along the path to success.

There’s a race between traditional businesses and blockchain. What do you say?

Blockchain is an amazing technology that is something to be valued in all or most industries and we see this evolving now with the Defi, Play2earn, NFT, Web3, and Metaverse. It is just the beginning and some amazing things are about to happen in the world around blockchain.

If you were given a chance to change one thing in this entire tech world, what would it be? What kind of “your mark” will you add?

I am working with some amazing people right now and together we are creating communities of leaders in almost every industry and introducing and evaluating how blockchain can add value to that industry. I hope this can make a difference in the world and bring value to existing industries in a more decentralized way.

It’s a wrap-up: Live life like there is no tomorrow!

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